In the Know

News and Reviews

Read about why RED O reigns supreme in the world of modern Mexican Cuisine.

What’s happening in our world.

Awards, accolades, reviews, events, press praises, and everything else you want to know about Red O’s three resort-inspired dining venues and its soon-to-come, Westlake Village location.

OC Foodies: RED O Taste of Mexico Unveils Bold New Brunch Experience. READ MORE HERE

CBS 8 San Diego Features RED O Restaurant La Jolla UTC as part of the Shop Local Celebrando for Hispanic Heritage Month. WATCH THE FEATURE

Chocolate dessert with coconut and pineapple is served at Red O at Fashion Island in Newport Beach.

The Orange County Register Local News Review: Mexican food, and the volume, hit highs at Red O. READ THE REVIEW

NBC Los Angeles Tequila Thursday at Red O Cantina Hispanic Heritage Month Heritage Cocktails

NBC Los Angeles, California LIVE visited Tequila Thursday at RED O Cantina in Santa Monica for Heritage Cocktails during Hispanic Heritage Month. WATCH HERE